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6051 polyimide film has good formability.

2022-01-08 09:55:50 作者:

When used as a molding material, glass fiber and asbestos can be added to polyphenylene sulfide according to different applications and required properties (such as mechanical strength, sliding parts, etc.). Fillers such as disulfide plumes and teflon resins. 6051 polyimide film has good formability and can be molded by injection molding or mold. Extrusion can only be used to make wires. Sometimes, to achieve the desired formability, the material can be preheated to create slight crosslinks.

The resin has excellent heat resistance, drug resistance and hydrolysis resistance, so it is used in the manufacture of medical and dental equipment (such as ultrasonic cleaning containers with a sterilization temperature of 190-c. Due to its low creep at high temperatures, stability Good) molding size and resistance to gasoline and grease, can be used in automobile manufacturing. Other parts are used in the manufacture of sliding parts and bearings for the electrical and electronic industries. In addition, it is characterized by improved physical properties of the film due to the cross-linking reaction that occurs when the film is baked.

Many organic molecules are not amphiphilic, and it is difficult to prepare monolayers of these molecules. Usually, only organic molecules with hydrophilic end can add organic molecules containing hydrophobic groups; only organic molecules containing hydrophobic groups can add organic molecules containing hydrophilic groups to improve the film-forming properties of barnyard grass monolayers.

In recent years, inorganic molecules have also appeared in LB films. For inorganic molecules in general, LB films are prepared by mixing them with amphiphilic organic molecules such as fatty acid molecules. Inorganic molecules often exist in the film in the form of nanoparticles, and the periodic structure of LB 9 is destroyed to a certain extent, but this film is formed by directly dropping the same solution on the surface of the substrate, and the disordered film is still There are great differences in improving some properties of organic molecular LB films, such as mechanical strength, thermal stability, etc.

Amphiphilic polymers have received increasing attention. Amphiphilic polymer molecules have many hydrophilic and hydrophobic groups, and the peak molecular weight is higher, so the film made of this material has higher mechanical and thermal stability than films made of other materials. Such films usually do not have macroscopic long-range order. The original polymer LB glue is an LB film formed by the polymerization of long aliphatic chain molecules and reactive vinyl groups.

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